During the 2017, as part of 120g, we designed the exhibition arrangement of the Bell Tower of the Cathedral of Lucca, marking the touristic path on several floors.




Interior Design, Graphic Design, Environmental Design


Alessandro Ariel Terranova, Olga Beatrice Carcassi

Set-up of the Cathedral Bell Tower of Lucca
All the set-up structures are made of cor-ten, in order to blend the new addition with the context, the Cathedral of San Martino, one of the most important examples of romanesque style in the world.
Set-up of the Cathedral Bell Tower of Lucca

L’allestimento del percorso turistico è composto da pannelli panoramici fissati alle strutture preesistenti, la cui forma è ispirata a quella del leggio di un pulpito, tutte posizionate al livello delle campane, da un alto totem che avvolge un pannello informativo e da prismi appoggiati sulle mensole.

Set-up of the Cathedral Bell Tower of Lucca
Set-up of the Cathedral Bell Tower of Lucca